Spruce Creek
Residential Fly-in Subdivision
Spruce Creek - A 1,200 acre residential fly-in subdivision, the largest in the United States, includes airport facilities, such as a runway, taxiway, and commercial support hangars and businesses, a golf course, playgrounds and other community facilities. The subdivision consists of 37 communities, containing over 26 miles of roadways and taxiways, as well as over 40 stormwater management lakes, which were built in phases from 1974 to 1997. MBV is the District Engineer for various roadway and drainage improvements, as well as creating an overall master plan of the subdivision’s infrastructure. MBV has developed a 10 year roadway/runway/taxiway improvement plan consisting of obtaining and reviewing core samples, in-field inspection and evaluation of roadway conditions, developing a ranking system, providing recommendations for reclamation and seal coating, creating a ten-year budget, and providing full construction administration from bid documents and contracts, contractor selection, field inspections, as-built documentation, and post construction certification. We have completed to date, full depth reclamation of 10.3 miles of roadways and 0.25 miles of taxiways. An additional 1.8 miles of roadway are scheduled for reclamation in 2013.

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